Saturday, July 08, 2006

Kemarin *edited*

Kemarin. Jalan kaki. Gelora Bung Karno. JHCC. Istora Senayan. All on foot. Plaza Semanggi. Diknas. Dia nemenin gue. Dia kasih gue sekotak coklat pralines. Dia bikin gue ketawa. Tapi sorenya. Walaupun gue gak tega, gue harus ngomong. Gak tega banget. Sebegitu baiknya dia sepanjang hari, tapi gue harus ngomong kayak gitu ke dia.

Dan. Ya udah.

"...aku gak sedih.."
"...kalo kita emang jodoh, suatu saat kita akan jadian lagi.."
"...lagi menahan.. t....."
"...thanks buat dua minggu yang indah.."

Ternyata, it's all harder than how I thought it was gonna be. Thx for all.


ah said...

If I were you, I would've cried in front of her even since the first word that came out of my mouth.. or at least I would've had a lake on both of my eyes.. love sucks, life sucks, everything sucks.

Anonymous said...

do you cry?
it's okay..
tears wouldn't kill..

something that doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger..

and even if it does kill you,
you can resurrect again stronger..

whatever it is, you'll be stronger..
(pengalaman pribadi lho)

Brian said...

drewww.. howaarddd..

Yap. I cried.

Di trotoar.


Ya sudlah.

Gak harus memiliki toh.

Stronger. Jadi inget britney dan kursi nistanya. Wakaka.

Thanks guys.


konnyaku said...

take care there :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....sedih ya...