Tuesday, January 10, 2006

oh I see

Baru ngerasa, selama ini gak pernah gue komentar ttg sesuatu, jelek atau baik, tanpa memberikan argumen.

Rumus gue:
komentar yang subjektifnya parah + argument + applied reasoning = komentar bersifat objektif yang tidak memberatkan pihak manapun.

Then I'll stay clean from those absurd subjectivity like any other's.

Sorry to say, but people nowadays tend to indirectly hurt or disrespect or insult other people's work. That's just inhumane and rude and disrespectful.

Criticisms aren't given to insult people and make them down, for whatever reason. Neither is unexplained opinion.

That's the thought of the day. Luvyah.


Anonymous said...

Hm.... Tapi susah ngertinya. Pake bhs Indo aja dong.. lebih gampang

Brian said...

Ok ok.. Hihi.. ^^ btw, kalo gak bisa log-in, tulis aja nama kamu di bawah comment.. biar gue tahu.. ^^ thanks