Friday, June 22, 2007



Personally, saat ini ngerasa bodoh banget karna lupa nghubungin gif yang hari senen brangkat ke amrik. Argh. Dan, hapenya pagi ini blom dibuka. Padahal masi ngutang satu jalan-jalan lagi ma dia. Sebelum dia pergi. Jadi keinget pas kita nunggu dijemput hari rabu ato kamis pas latian pelepasan, trus dia ngomong baweeeeel banget sementara saya blajar dari dia bagaimana untuk jadi bawel lagi. Hahahahaha.

Harus telpon dia hari ini untuk merencanakan pertemuan. Secara, ke amrik gitu. --; Kalo ke cilacap pulang kampung mah silahkan. Hehehe.



1. Film-film di Indosiar tiap pagi itu absurd banget.

Jijik ngeliatnya. Semua suara didubbing, trus lightingnya sok misterius yang ada malah gelap ga keliatan, castnya sama terus di film2 berbeda, trus visual effects nya murahan dan lagi kampungan. Duhhh. Trus lagunya sungguh sangat bikin orang nangis.

Ternyata masih banyak manusia..
Lebih kejam dari serigalaaaa..
Serigala menyayangi anaknyaaaa..


2. Benci banget ma SPG ato SPB di stan pameran yang ga tau barang yang mereka jual.

Dua hari yang lalu ke TA, ada acara Indonesian Robotic Olympiad yang disponsori Acer di atrium utama. Nah, kan di TA ada layar-layar informasi gitu, yang ada tombol buat nyari letak toko ato apa, trus diatasnya ada TV plasma yang nayangin iklan, Acer make layar itu untuk nayangin produk terbarunya Aspire 5920.

Harusnya ini jadi poin paling penting buat mbak2 SPG yang lagi jaga stan pameran notebook Acer di atrium bawah dong. Tapi. Inilah apa yang terjadi.

'Mbak, Acer Aspire 5920 ada?'
'Apa mas? Aspire?'
'Iya, Aspire 5920. Yang baru itu loh mbak..'
'Oh ga ada mas. Kita adanya yang 'di sini' aja.. Bentar ya..' *nanya ma mas2 di belakang apa di dunia ini yang namanya Aspire 5920*
'Er, mungkin itu di JHCC ntar baru ada..'

Deuhh. Heran. Salah orang banget sih, secara ya mbak2 mas2, tiap pagi sekarang ada iklan teaser Acer Aspire 5920 di Kompas. Tiap hari mulai dari dua hari yang lalu loh. Kasian, jadi SPG komputer tapi ga pernah tau apa yang dijual. Oh, please. Hello, Acer?

Ini ga sampe di sini aja. Pas minggu lalu ke Mangga Dua Mall, mallnya komputer di jakarta, kan lagi ada pameran notebook di bawah. Trus ke standnya Toshiba, Sony, dan Lenovo. Saya nanya notebook-notebook yang paling baru, notebook yang udah pake prosesor berkode Santa Rosa, FSB 800Mhz. Tapi. Apa yang terjadi. Oh, dunia.

'Mas, notebooknya uda ada yang Santa Rosa blom?'
'Hah? Apaan? Santa Rosa? Itu apa ya?'

Jayus binti ilfil. Situ mau jualan ga sih. Kasian banget. Masa situ yang jualan ga tau, saya yang anak baru lulus SMA tau. Kasian. Lain kali, buka gizmodo, engadget, cnet-asia, notebook-review dulu ya sebelom jualan notebook?

Enough ramblings now.
Hehehe. Nice day!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

tell me that your sweet love hasn't died

I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes..
And the wonder of it all is that you just don't realize how much I love you..

Darling, eestavas linda até demais..

Barusan dia telepon. Bahagia banget. Bahagia. =']


makes me wonder

I wonder if everything would be the same. I wonder if we could still overcome this big curve. I wonder if those people who say that distance does matter, were wrong. I wonder. But nevertheless, LUMU. Always and forever.

Now I'm counting down the days till I'm leaving this town. Sighs.

Anyway. I'm thankful about my national exams result: MATH 93, B.IND 96, B.ING 100.
But those school exams, I didn't do that well. But still, I'm thankful, thanks God. Now I only need to wait for the certificates, while I'm preparing myself, the packing-ups and all, for the leaving. Still two weeks, though.

See you later. Have a nice rainy day.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

two days

Two days, and I'm far from ready.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

hay.. isi yah!

Mari kita mengisi Thx!

Create your own Friend Test here

days before you leave

Let's dance to the bossas, dim night
wrap it around our memories, the portuguese
sing along our goodbyes
enchanted lights

Let's see the roads, struggle right
ever wonder what's beyond the heavy dicties
start our endless world
of together apart,
get lost, am in your heart

Buble can't stop singing my pain
I can't stop crying
He said we're not lost
but the bossas, again, and the arpeggios, and
the places, and the late-night calls, and
the trip round town, and the 2005 play, and
the songs we sing, and the fights we've been, and
the dozens of movies we watched, and the
hundreds of hugs, and the thousands of kisses,
and the millions of curves

out of everything you, me
we then count to three
and dance eternally

*To My Forever Best Friend..

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Les Choristes

You know what. I should've been posting some posts about 1. our trip to Sukabumi 2. my future 3. my ramblings. But you know, as I've been in holiday since two weeks ago, doing nothing but putting my brain in resting mode, I see typing as something big. Not to mention that I haven't handwritten a large number of text since exams anymore. Lazier than ever.


Our trip to Sukabumi was amazing. 27 people, 3 days, 2 nights, 1 beautifully unforgettable moment. We spent three days there playing tabletennis, billiard, uno stacko, capsa, fishing and karaoke-ing together. Some of us also had a little trip (including me) of wandering around the village, nice, it was so beautiful; the scene the air and all, and I met this little folks of mine: some cute ducks! XD It was everything we could have hoped for. We enjoyed it. We laughed, we smiled, we cried. I love my friends so much. So much.

*when I type this it's raining out there, the first big rain since forever; i remember last night when waking up sweating the hell out of myself, oughh, it was so hot at night, now I know why*


My future! After speaking in person with the academic director of Taylor's College Malaysia, I know that there is a whole new tiring world of mine waiting to be entered: the life of a future-architect. They, all of them, say that being an architecture student is never easy. Sleepless nights, piles of overnight projects and all, but hey, I've decided it since I was in junior high school, there's no way of going back, I even put 'architecture' as my only major choice in my NUS application (which just be rejected hehe). So, that's it.

I will start my college life there on July 6th. But now, there are some things to do before I happily announce my flight date or something, I haven't got my student visa due to the being-renewed-passport. So, I'll get my passport today and get to apply for the visa. I'm waiting for my full offer which was promised by the director to be out this week.


No ramblings available. Hehehe. It's been quite nice, my life. So, there's no ramblings-for now. Maybe there will be some when I'm in the college. XD Let's see.

Have a nice rainy day!