Saturday, April 28, 2007


Ehm, ehm. Let's give a round of applause for:

SMUK 1 A (Maya, Leah, Xiera) as THE CHAMPION


and another round of applause for:

SMUK 1 B (Marcell, Cindy, Missy) as THE OCTOFINALIST

You girls rock! Congratulations! You make me proud! XD

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

it's the only thing left in my head

All i can remember is what i felt..
There’s a thing that came with the smile..
So why am i now asking myself..
What was the name, when and where..

I should have taken some pictures..
Maybe should have done even more..
There was something that came with the smile..
And that feeling is all i can remember..

Her Smile - Dennis Trillo

It got me mellow all the time. I just love the song. I know no one knows him, but i accidentally believed that I had to download the mp3, and when I listened to it, I found it nice. Very nice.

Happy Rainy Days, People! =]

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I can't be the number 1,
so I make them my and our number 1!

SMUKIE A: Maya, Xiera, Leah. SMUKIE B: Marcell, Cindy, Missy.
Keep rockin', girls!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

matt parkman

I want to be a Matt Parkman in Heroes.

I want to be able to read your thoughts. Just so you don't lie, and don't dare to lie to me. So the world will be living in peace.

Monday, April 09, 2007

hans zimmer - cry

Well, oh well.

I just think that I'm not that complicated now. I've been quite a life enjoyer. Still a bit complicated, though. A bit. Just a bit. You could go to my archives root and see some of my writings 2 years ago. More, even. Compare.

Just read a bulletin board, written by Abbie, he put some of my words I wrote a year ago, it's okay, the thing is that, now I come to think about what I wrote. Yap. Have I grown up better, these days? Am I simplifying life?

Nevertheless, this blog witnesses my growing up. Been my loyal friend. Been my thinking partner, and hey, am hoping that this blog is the place you choose to ponder, too. I expect myself that in one year time, I'll be much better than what I am now.

Last night I called my long-lost-bestfriend. Close to happily sobbing. Time flies, I remember the last time we went arond, he drove me, it's been 2 years of time. I remember some of my close friends back in junior high school, I think I had a real friendship, always have, and I just miss them. Really.

Miss everything. I was afraid that it would turn boring to call my bestfriend after a very long while, but it turned out not. Close as we were, we've been, and we always are.

I still remember that I owe him a drive across the town, I drive him, God, please, let me do that before the sun sets.

Before the sun sets.

Like when we took the afternoon walk in Pantai Mutiara, like when we greeted goodbye before the sun set, like when the scores of The Holiday by Hans Zimmer fades away.


Saturday, April 07, 2007

no matter how long 'all of that' could be..
--Iris to Miles, The Holiday, 2006

Life has ups and downs. God has made us to face these ups and downs. We are tempted, we are made to cry, we are made to feel weak.

But then, after all of that, He left 2 choices for us to choose. Either we fight and struggle and make something good happen in our life, or, we feel betrayed and sad and breakdown and think we are the failure of the world and.. surrender by letting things happen, without remembering everyone we're supposed to fight for.

I'm not a good advicer, am telling you this honestly.
But am a friend who's been telling you to fight.

That's all I'm saying.


*I've got 22 songs of OST The Holiday downloaded this morning, all from multiply. It's what I've been crying for. Sounds of heaven.*

Friday, April 06, 2007

three kini ada di indonesia

Hueh. Saya lagi pengen banget banget banget post tentang Lomba Stand HIV/AIDS Se SMAK Penabur yang mana tim saya dapet, ehm, Juara 1. Pengen banget share cerita dibalik ini dan foto2nya. Tapi karna foto2nya belom dapet dari guru yang mendokumentasikan kejadian yang bersangkutan, maka saya pikir kurang afdol kalo udah ditulis tanpa foto. Jadi, mari kita pending dulu. Hehehe.


1. Saya hari ini nemenin nyokap ke pasar.

Well, bukan yang pertama kalinya juga sih nemenin nyokap ke pasar, tapi tadi pagi secara kebetulan saya nemenin Bonyok ke pasar. Pasar Tradisional. I had so much fun. XD Nemenin dari tempat yang masih bersih, sampe ke tukang jagal, Pak Haji, yang jual daging sapi. Waaw. Ke tukang ayam juga. Duh, nyokap jago banget milih2 ayam. Bokap jago nawar iga sapi. Hihihihi. Saya? Ngeliat, nganalisa, dan bantuin bawa barang belanjaan.

Di lingkungan perumahan saya, orang2 dominan berasal dari Medan. Kata nyokap, yang walopun bukan orang Medan tapi pernah ke sana, orang Medan itu doyan banget makan. Kata nyokap juga, melek mata pagi makan, mo merem mata malem makan lagi. Dan di pasar saya, ada kopi tiamnya pagi2. Semacam tempat hangout engko2 yang doyan makan. Mulai dari Nasi Hainam, Bihun Bebek, Bakmie gede super enak duh saya jadi laper, sampe the world's favourite Kwetiau Medan.

Tadi pagi rame banget. Pagi banget rame, engko2 dan enci2 abis senam TaiChi dateng makan, ngobrol2. Malem, sampe jam 12 malem rame banget, engko2 pada ngobrol, kadang nonton bola bareng, rame banget. Huah. Jadi inget Jalan Alor di Kuala Lumpur. Mirip2. Hehehehe. Intinya, I had so much fun witnessing people there.

2. Anak tarq

Err. Tadi kan saya misa Jumat Agung di gereja deket rumah, di mana paroki saya itu termasuk lumayan banyak terdiri dari anak2 Tarakanita, kbtulan sekolahnya deket gereja. Nah, tadi, setelah sedemikian lama mengamati beberapa baris di depan saya di mana saya mengenali bahwa itu adalah deretan anak2 Tarq, saya kenal salah satu dari mereka. Anak ini pernah jadi LO trus kenal pas Tarq Cup tahun lalu.

Pas komuni, dia berdiri pake tongkat. Supporting both feet. Oh my. Saya jadi inget, pas Tarq Cup Januari ini, saya ketemu dia dan dia pake tongkat. Ga sempet nanya dia kenapa. Dan tadi dia masih pake tongkat? Kenapa yah. I was questioning hard. T.T

Ga lama, pas bubaran gereja, kan saya turun tangga, anak2 Tarq itu jauh jalan di belakang. Tiba2 mereka lambai2 ke arah saya. Eh. Ternyata dia lambai2 ke bokap. Termasuk anak Tarq yang pake tongkat itu. Ternyata. Dia muridnya bokap! T.T Oh no. Dunia ini sungguh sempit. Dan setelah itu pun saya diceritain detilnya ma bokap kenapa anak Tarq itu bisa harus pake tongkat. T.T Cepet sembuh ya.

3. Seorang wanita.

Well. Saat misa yang panjangnya dua jam setengah itu berlangsung, saya mengamati ke baris-baris depan. Mata saya menangkap seorang cewek yang mirip Ye Sha di Meteor Garden 2, sedang melambai ke arah seseorang dan ngajak duduk bareng. Orang yang diajak duduk bareng itu, er, no offense, sepertinya entah mengalami mutasi gen sehingga cacat debil, ato dia mengalami mental disorder. Well, that is not my point. The thing is, cewek ini jagain dan dengan baik hati lembut sabar banget banget banget nemenin orang ini. Saya salut bener. Susah dijelasin. Setiap katanya pake senyum, arh, saya terharu banget tadi.

Ternyata, di tengah kebrengsekan orang2 di dunia ini, masih ada orang2 kayak cewek ini. Peduli, sabar. Dan mukanya mirip Ye Sha. XD


Happy Easter. =]

Thursday, April 05, 2007

drama queen

Have you ever given one last chance to someone who needs it, and packed it as a question? I always do. This last chance, can be the last chance to gain my trust, can be the last chance to prove yourself right to me.

You ask one question, you expect one answer that you clearly need. But.

TET-TOT. Wrong answer he/she gives you.

That was even the last chance. And you then just lose your respect, you dislike the person and curse him/her to go to hell.

I do. I am doing it now.

You fail. You've been craving for people's attention and now, it's the second time I hear you misuse my trust. You lied.

You misuse it. You're like a Drama Queen. You do everything you like, you put your life miserably and complain like it's anybody's fault. You are Jasper. The so-called-Jasper, hahahaha, I love putting it this way, exactly like Jasper. Exactly.

I feel sick.