Sunday, August 20, 2006

some acute ramblings I can't control

I just got back from Bandung. I'm confused. Daniel Powter's Free Loop is singing in my head. In my heart? Owh. I forgot that tomorrow will be a holiday. I can't use a driver tomorrow. I have to plan tomorrow carefully. I need to rest. I got one new Reebok school bag cheering me up. I'm full. Go or don't. Hold or let go. Give or not. Miss or not. I'm confused. I don't know what I need right now. Oh. I need some rest. I need to plan for Tuesday. No. I need to plan for tomorrow first. I'm tired. I sense something but I don't know what it is. Mixed signals. Respond or not. Hope or not. Prepare for the worst. Sad. I think I know something. Gotta give up. No. Gotta rest first. Are things decided in tiredness able to give betterment. Oh. No. Ah. Sick. Tired. Confused. Free. Loop. Go. You. Just. Go. Ah. Fine. Nite.

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