Monday, March 06, 2006

Rachel and Ross - off the table

Rachel's Room. Rachel and Ross. After the things about Rachel's father illness. FRIENDS Season 10.

Rachel :
I was thinking about what you said.. about the whole sex thing.. Yeah, Probably it's not a great idea to go down that road again..
Ross : I'm glad you agree..
Rachel : It's a shame though, when we did it was pretty good.. *rachel laughing*
Ross : Yeah, that's true *ross smiling*


Rachel : Do you remember one great time when..
Ross : ..Yeah, of course, yeah.. *smiling*
Rachel : It was your birthday..

*both shocked*

Ross : Oh yeahh.. *agreeing one another*
Rachel : But.. I guess it's all in the past..
Ross : It's all in the past..

Both sigh. *starring at each other*

Rachel : Not even one more time.. *convincing herself*
Ross : Not even once.. *agreeing*
Rachel : Even if we want it so bad...
Ross : .. yeah, no matter how bad we want it..
Rachel : That's what we've decided.
Ross : Yeahh.. *laughing*


Rachel : It's kind of hard though..
Ross : It's kind of hard.. You know it too..
Rachel : When two people have connection.. it seems like such a.. waste..


Ross : I hate waste.


Rachel : Ross, Just say no. With us. It's never off the table.

It's never off the table.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That last line should be :
Rachel :Ross, Just so you know, with us, it's never off the table.