Thursday, February 12, 2009


This week feels so fast.

It's weekend already. Putting aside the fact that I still have 1. studio work 2. student society work 3. photography club work 4. portfolio work (DAMN THIS IS LONG), I'm still going to have fun tomorrow. Gym sessions, movies, one good valentine's day dinner, meditation sessions, and did I say 'fun'?

Yeah. And precisely next week, it's the Cameron Highlands site surveying/visit trip. 3D2N. It's still studio work and yeah I'm gonna start working my ass off for that one, but hey, it's still a holiday. Close enough.

Have I said too many 'yeah's?

Oh yeah.

Have a nice weekend, you.

1 comment:

justin k said...

So, was that part of you having fun yesterday when I spotted you? :)